Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Step In the Right Direction

There is nothing more important (academically at least) than being able to listen well.  It's an art.  There is nothing more vital (in all arenas of life) than being able to argue without malice and insecurity. 

I think the divisions among us can be eradicated when we STOP. 

Start paying attention to our physical reactions when we hear something we don't like. 
Take a breath before we lose control. 
Observe our peers and recognize our shared humanity (and shared fear). 
Pause before we speak. 

Depending on your class we wrote, we discussed, we argued.  It was glorious.

For tomorrow, have what you need (again, depending on what class you are in) and be prepared to review for our next week.  You will also have some study time to work on whatever you need to work on.  And if you're all caught up with everything, YOU CAN READ.  (As a side note, my current book list for next semester has 20 books so far and it's growing.  I'll discuss the expectations with the reading a smidgelet tomorrow.)

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of teaching good students and good people.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Escapade" Janet Jackson


  1. "Talk less, smile more" - Aaron Burr in Hamilton

  2. Sounds like I really missed out today. :(

  3. Sad that I missed out on today’s stuff, but glad because happy birthday Michelle Obama!

  4. Can't wait for the new reading list!
