Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Day 1 of Finals and I Have a Problem

The book list keeps growing. 

And I suppose I should be humble but it's such a good list. 


If you have ever wanted to become better, smarter, kinder, cooler, more informed...well, this is kinda sorta the best book list to use to accomplish that goal.  I think the only thing it won't do is make you taller but maybe it will in the sense that you can walk into a room and OWN it because no one can shake a stick at someone who is WELL-READ.  (I mean, there are even shirts that say "Well-Read insert noun").

This book list is being curated with the input from some of my best well-read friends, my own experience as a reader, and universities across the country like Duke, Stanford and Berkeley (some of my former lovelies are students at these schools).  These titles are from writers of diverse backgrounds - a beautiful balance of the traditional literary canon and the contemporary, a beautiful balance of voices that see through lenses of color and gender and international experience. 

These books are page turners that will rip your heart out of your chest, cause you to question your belief system, and pretty much wake up to the POWER OF BEING A READER.

I'm only a smidge excited. 

Hope your first day of finals went well....I'll see periods 3 and 4 tomorrow.  Have a pencil!

Love and Light,
Your Well-Read Teacher Who Believes in the Power of Education

Today's Song:  Back to the first day of dancing..."Shining Star" Earth Wind and Fire


  1. I wish all teachers had this strong of a passion for refreshing!

  2. Now you have me hyped up, honestly never thought I would see the day that I was hyped up for a book list.

  3. “Life is precious because in the short amount of time that we have in this world we have the potential to make someone else’s short time better & if we all did that to each other than perhaps...perhaps these years on this earth wouldn’t be so difficult” - R

    Someone said this yesterday and it stuck out, so I wanted to share.
