Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Thank you for meeting me in the Library today.  I hope the information made sense and was helpful.  If you are looking to take one of the Mesa classes, you can access some documents you might need here.  And as you make choices, talk to some seniors who have been in the classes you're looking at and gather information.  Talk to teachers, yes, but talk to the kids who have sat in these classes.  Their perspective is invaluable.

Tomorrow I'm excited to be back in our class.  We will be chatting about books and deciding on our Mandatory Text (or texts? or all of the books in the world?!) and I will also be introducing you to your first triple P (Power to the Packet Packet). 

And as a gentle reminder, you need to sign up for your AP tests.  Use THIS LINK to order.  Deadlines looming, lovelies.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Nada...we were in the Library.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Fiction as a Fight Song

Thank you for watching the TED Talk today. Elif Shafak has a lot of powerful things to say.  Rewatch, annotate the transcript, and absorb her words. 

"Knowledge that takes us not beyond ourselves is worse than ignorance."

Tomorrow we will meet in the back of the Library for Articulation.  FYI.

Thursday you need to come to class with an annotated Book List (have some research done) and be ready to chat about books and receive your first "Power to the Packet" Packet.  

I'll see y'all soon.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Fight Song" Rachel Platten

Monday, January 29, 2018

Rise Up

Happy First Day of Second Semester!

It was a pleasure seeing you all today in class.  Thank you for the discussion centered around bias and how we each see through a lens shaped by our DNA, upbringing, environment and experiences. 

You, my lovelies, are the promise.

I, my lovelies, am the alarm.

Let's wake up.

To be clear:  My agenda is as teach you how to think WIDELY, CURIOUSLY, RIGOROUSLY.

And that begins with the 100 Strong Book List you were given today.  Please come to class on Thursday with titles researched and authors examined.  Also come with any titles you'd like to add or even authors you have enjoyed reading.

Tomorrow we will enjoy a TED Talk, Wednesday we are meeting in the back of the library for Articulation, and on Thursday we will decide on a mandatory text and get introduced to one of my "Power to the Packet" packets.

Also, sorry to Period 1.  I said I wanted TED Talk notes and such tomorrow.  I changed my mind.  NO NEED.  I will be asking for them in the next couple of weeks though...

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Rise Up" Andra Day

Friday, January 26, 2018

The End of Semester 1

It's hard to believe the semester is over when (at least for me) it feels like it just started.  But here we are.  Only 18 more weeks together to learn and grow and become (assuming you are willing since learning and growing and becoming = hard work). 

When I was making breakfast this morning I started thinking about how it is that I know how to do anything.  How do I know how to make breakfast or wash my clothes or change a tire or budget money or store my jewelry in a safe place or remove a stain from clothing or show up on time?  Every single answer circled back to my mom and the other adults in my life.  It made me think of James Baldwin's quote: "Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them." 

I didn't grow up with much in the way of money or material objects but I had a slew of positive role models - men and women who worked hard, who provided as best they could for their families, who were generous and kind, who did the right thing even when no one was looking.  I had a perch of privilege when it came to how to handle your business, how to conduct yourself with honor, how to "carry the water" yourself.  And thank goodness for that. 

My sister and I fund a scholarship each year for PLHS that bears our grandmother Soledad's name.  She couldn't read and could barely sign her own name.  But that didn't stop her from raising a strong daughter (my mother) who vowed her children's education would always come first even if it meant dragging her bone-tired self to the library so her daughters could check out some books or (pre-Internet) look up facts in encyclopedias for their school reports.  So now that my sister and I are "successful", we do what we saw when we were younger:  we give.  We give of our time, our money, our Selves. 

I'm not quite sure why all these thoughts are swirling about in my head - maybe I've been thinking about all the books I've read and how my literacy became a watershed moment in the trajectory of my life.  Maybe I want that for all of you regardless of your beginning as a student/reader.  Maybe I want to erase what did not happen in your previous English classes.  Or maybe I just want you to see an example of the power of education.  That my two children know nothing but comfort and privilege astounds me. 

At any rate, second semester is around the corner.  Who I am will not change.  Who you are?  We shall see.

(And since it's beginning, do what my AP students do...FEED YOUR BRAIN.)

Thank you for a solid first semester.  I am grateful I get to teach you. 

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Shining Star" Earth Wind and Fire

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Day 2

I don't even know if you are reading these posts - in a finals haze??  At any rate, I had an idea today. 

I saw one of my kiddos get challenged yesterday (I told period 4 about it) and she rose to the occasion as most children do.  Because when you set high expectations for behavior, learning, attitude, etc. it becomes really clear (really fast) who is "coachable". 

As a parent I was so proud of my girl who was shown how to do something once and then did it, who pushed herself physically and mentally and said she had "fun".  When asked what was fun, she said that the hour and a half practice was "hard" and that reminded me that we should never lower standards...because it is TOO EASY TO BECOME COMPLACENT.  As a really good TED speaker once said, "We need to move the average up." 

So there.

I can't wait to tell you more.

One more day of finals and then we launch into the last semester in Room 853. 

See you tomorrow, Period 5!!

A little quote to feed your brains:

“Nobody's going to do your life for you. You have to do it yourself, whether you're rich or poor, out of money or raking it in, the beneficiary of ridiculous fortune or terrible injustice. And you have to do it no matter what is true. No matter what is hard. No matter what unjust, sad, sucky things befall you. Self-pity is a dead-end road. You make the choice to drive down it. It's up to you to decide to stay parked there or to turn around and drive out.” 
― Cheryl StrayedTiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Shining Star" Earth Wind and Fire

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Day 1 of Finals and I Have a Problem

The book list keeps growing. 

And I suppose I should be humble but it's such a good list. 


If you have ever wanted to become better, smarter, kinder, cooler, more informed...well, this is kinda sorta the best book list to use to accomplish that goal.  I think the only thing it won't do is make you taller but maybe it will in the sense that you can walk into a room and OWN it because no one can shake a stick at someone who is WELL-READ.  (I mean, there are even shirts that say "Well-Read insert noun").

This book list is being curated with the input from some of my best well-read friends, my own experience as a reader, and universities across the country like Duke, Stanford and Berkeley (some of my former lovelies are students at these schools).  These titles are from writers of diverse backgrounds - a beautiful balance of the traditional literary canon and the contemporary, a beautiful balance of voices that see through lenses of color and gender and international experience. 

These books are page turners that will rip your heart out of your chest, cause you to question your belief system, and pretty much wake up to the POWER OF BEING A READER.

I'm only a smidge excited. 

Hope your first day of finals went well....I'll see periods 3 and 4 tomorrow.  Have a pencil!

Love and Light,
Your Well-Read Teacher Who Believes in the Power of Education

Today's Song:  Back to the first day of dancing..."Shining Star" Earth Wind and Fire

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

80 Strong

The book list is growing and it is so, so, so good...unless you're against quality rhetoric that grows your heart and your mind.  I absolutely cannot wait for Monday. 

Good luck on your finals tomorrow, and I will see periods 1 and 2 tomorrow. 

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Amor Amor Amor" Jennifer Lopez

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday Musing

Hi there, lovelies -

Thank you for completing the quiz today.  From the looks of it, some of you know and some of you don't.  Hmm.

Tomorrow you will be reading and annotating a new text so bring your pen and your critical thinking brain.  After you finish, you may use class time for Study Hall/Finals Prep.

The 2nd Semester Book List is getting finalized and will be good to go on Monday.  In fact, that's how we will usher in a new semester (and the final one for you in my class).  Books, books, books. 

Make sure you email me your numerical grade request and your citizenship.  I request that email sooner rather than later out of respect for my time. 

And don't forget to grab your ISJ...there is a box near the class trays that has the unclaimed journals. 

Enjoy the rest of your Monday and I will see you tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Edge of Glory" Lady Gaga

Friday, January 19, 2018

Weekend Reminders

Hi Lovelies,

Happy Friday.

Before I jet off into Mommy Mode, a few reminders (though I guess reminding you of things is me in mommy Mode already...).  At any rate, Monday we are having our Rhetorical Triangle Quiz. So study  up. You will also have some Study Hall time after aforementioned quiz is done. Tuesday is an annotation exercise and Study Hall, and Wednesday finals begin. Periods 1/2, 3/4, 5/6.

Good luck with all your studying and prep for Finals Week.

Love and Light,

P.S. Journals are done. Pick them up please.

Today’s Song: Dance Practice

Thursday, January 18, 2018


A few words are running through my mind...words like "stereotypes", "single stories", "incomplete", "abuse of power", "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"...

Be mindful of ALL the RHETORIC you consume.

Be mindful of the power you hold to shape, create, and alter not only your reality but the reality of others.

Be mindful that you have every right to a rigorous education and the right to demand excellence from ALL of your teachers. Keep us in check.

Be mindful that words matter and that there comes a time when silence is betrayal. (Thank you, Dr. King.)

And thank you Chimamanda Adiche for saying, "The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.”

The rest of ISJs will be returned tomorrow and I expect some stellar SAS.  EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE PREPARED.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Under the Milky Way" The Church

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Step In the Right Direction

There is nothing more important (academically at least) than being able to listen well.  It's an art.  There is nothing more vital (in all arenas of life) than being able to argue without malice and insecurity. 

I think the divisions among us can be eradicated when we STOP. 

Start paying attention to our physical reactions when we hear something we don't like. 
Take a breath before we lose control. 
Observe our peers and recognize our shared humanity (and shared fear). 
Pause before we speak. 

Depending on your class we wrote, we discussed, we argued.  It was glorious.

For tomorrow, have what you need (again, depending on what class you are in) and be prepared to review for our next week.  You will also have some study time to work on whatever you need to work on.  And if you're all caught up with everything, YOU CAN READ.  (As a side note, my current book list for next semester has 20 books so far and it's growing.  I'll discuss the expectations with the reading a smidgelet tomorrow.)

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of teaching good students and good people.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Escapade" Janet Jackson

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

So Much to Say

Everything is absolutely connected and today is no else could the perfect show come about at the perfect time and align perfectly with reading and our second semester learning?? 


The "TED Talk" we watched isn't a TED Talk at all so if you were absent, I am so sorry.  It's David Letterman's premiere episode of "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction".  If you have Netflix, you can find it, otherwise, you can google the episode and find commentary and the general overview of it.  Since it isn't a typical talk, no need for a transcript or anything. 

Do take the time, though, to check out Obama's 2017 Best Books list and his Best Music list as well.  I am listing the books below.

In addition, watch THIS.  It is worth your time.

Thank you for bringing your ISJs...I will get them back to you as soon as I can.  Email me if you want your journal back ASAP and I will read yours first.

Enjoy the rest of your day and be ready to do a little writing tomorrow.  Thursday we will be prepping for the final and Friday is SAS so PLEASE BE READY EVERYONE.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Havana" Camila Cabello (the clean version!)


Sunday, January 14, 2018


Don’t forget that your ISJs will be collected on Tuesday. Spread the word.

Friday, January 12, 2018

A Three Day... honor of a man whose ability was backed by courage and changed the course of this country. 

Take a moment on Monday to honor Dr. King.  Also take a moment to watch Anderson Cooper's commentary on the recent political happenings regarding immigration. 

I'll see you on Tuesday for a TED Talk.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: MJ practice

Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Mellow Early Out Kind of Day

We missed all of you who were on the "Hamilton" field trip...I hope y'all had fun.  "I'm not gonna miss my shot!"  So true.  Anyhoo, today (those of us in class) answered 7 questions on the Cofer text.  You can find the questions below.  Please make sure you answer them and turn them in to the class tray.

1.  What is the effect of Cofer's opening paragraph? Does her anger draw you in or distance you?
2.  Note the times when Cofer explains rather than denies the basis for stereotyping.  For instance, rather than deny that Latinas prefer vivid colors, she explains that this preference reflects the bright landscape of their homelands.  Does this strategy work or do you think Cofer is playing to the stereotype?
3.  Note the sections of the text that refer to personal experience.  Does Cofer's use of personal experience weaken her argument or make it more effective?  Explain.  Would th eessay be more effective with less - or more- personal experience?  Explain your view.
4.  What do Cofer's experiences on the bus, in the hotel, and at the poetry reading have in common?  Could she have omitted any of them from her essay?  Do you find her behavior toward the man in the "very classy metropolitan hotel" unnecessarily cruel?  Explain.
5.  How does Cofer broaden the argument from her personal experience to larger concerns, including other stereotypes (or stereotypes of other communities)?
6.  Cofer ends by quoting one of her own poems.  Is this effective?  Why or why not?
7.  Who do you think is Cofer's audience for this essay?  Does it include the woman at the poetry reading who asks Cofer for a cup of coffee?

Tomorrow we have SAS so PLEASE EVERYONE BE PREPARED.  Again, ALL OF YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED.  (Sidenote: capital letters are so angry.  Wow.)

I am still working on curating the second semester reading list.  I have decided that 2 books will be mandatory and the other books you read will be of your choosing off of the list.  I will set Reading Deadlines and on those days, you will be expected to have a book read and show up to class ready and able to "chat" or write or present.

So far, to give you a heads up, the tentative deadlines will be as follows:  2/21, 3/21, 4/25, and 5/23.  And another heads up:  You will be turning in your ISJ's on Tuesday 1/16. 

Thanks for all your work today.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Our Song" Taylor Swift

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Latin Women

Thanks for working in class today with the truth telling of your reading (or not) and the Cofer text.  Your job is to finish up the reading and "Adler" it up.  Tomorrow in class you are expected to have an annotated AND RESEARCHED piece.  You will be answering some questions and then doing a smidgelet (my invented word) of writing.

Have a wonderful rest of the night (and apologies for a somewhat tardy post...prepping for the kiddo who is turning 6!).

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Johnny B. Goode" Chuck Berry

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The "F" Word


Indeed, a hot topic but one that is fundamental to discuss.  The two speakers you watched today define themselves as feminists.  Do you?

I hope you enjoyed the cadence, rhythm and flow of Yara Shahidi and Sarah Kay.  Rewatch both and feed your brain.  You can access Kay's TED Talk here and Shahidi's acceptance speech here.

For tomorrow, you will need a copy of Cofer's text.  If for some reason the link doesn't work, just google "The Myth of the Latin Woman" by Judith Ortiz Cofer.

I'll see y'all tomorrow for more learning and steps toward the intersection of ability and courage.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "It's The Same Old Song" The Four Tops

P.S. - For some viewing fun, Oprah answering questions backstage after her Golden Globes acceptance speech.

Monday, January 8, 2018

An Inspiring Speech

First off, Happy Monday and thank you for your work with the Multiple Choice today.  If you have any questions about the passage or why an answer is what it is, please let me know.  I'm in my room at lunch always so...

On to the better stuff...Oprah's Golden Globes acceptance speech.  Well worth your time.  Make sure you watch it and listen to what she is saying and what she is calling out.  As Yara Shahidi wrote, "Tell my peers that I'm waiting for them so our generation can do big things together."  You are the hope and the promise.

Come to class tomorrow having watched and thought about Ms. Winfrey's speech.  We will pair it with our TED Talk.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Catch My Breath" Kelly Clarkson

P.S. - If you are planning on taking any of the AP tests, registration opens January 31st - March 20th.  And if you qualify for a fee waiver, make sure you see the Counseling Secretary for a code.  You will need your school id. 

Friday, January 5, 2018


I saw a budding sportscaster present today. I saw groups of individuals coming together to create collective movement (literally). I saw former students for lunch and college kiddos on break. A solid day, and I am grateful. Wishing you a happy weekend. Maybe read? Write in your ISJs? Soccer continues for my family and a sixth birthday looms.

Much love and light,

Today’s Song: “Beat It” practice

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Words of the Year

From Opportunity to Open to Organized and Unforgettable...your words are beacons of light in an otherwise dark world.  I wish you all the best as you work toward what you want to create in 2018.

With that said, check out the amazing Yara Shahidi  and her clip from The Daily Show.  Just google it and watch the extended 9 minute interview.  Worth your time.

Also, a book recommendation was given in class.  Check it out.

See y'all tomorrow for SAS.  All of you need to be ready.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer"

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

We're Baaaaack

Hi Lovelies.

Happy 2018!

I hope you all had a restful and beautiful break and are looking forward to a solid rest of the year.  June will be here before you know it.

We kept it simple in class with a few important dates (Finals this semester start on 1/24 with periods 1 and 2, 1/25 periods 3 and 4, and 1/26 periods 5 and 6.)  See a classmate or me with questions about what our final will be.

We also wrote letters to our "Future Self".  So make sure you finish those up or actually write one if you were absent.  Sorry that I ran out of envelopes.

Tomorrow you will be sharing your Words of the Year with small groups and the whole class so be ready.  If you already wrote one, they were returned today.  If you didn't originally write one, make sure you come to class prepared.

I'll see y'all tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Drift Away" Dobie Gray