Tuesday, April 9, 2019

TED Talk Tuesday - Review

Hi Lovelies -

I'm typing this as my second period works and chats.  Some notable lines:

"I'm wondering how many words I've misspelled in my life...and I was like whoa."

"Then he said, Dude, don't worry bro."

"J*&b just did something wrong."

"Why are you being so angry?"

Now for the rest of the day:

"I wear these to track meets to protest."

"He fractured my foot."

"You have to use two fingers."

"No need for the attitude, A."

"Calm down, E."

I wish I had been writing down quotes all year.

At any rate, some important info:

Take your Create Something Projects home please.
Vocab Quiz on Monday 4/22
Brain Drain Game #1 Tues 4/23 (TED Talk Chart due)
AP Practice Exam on Saturday 4/27

Tomorrow we will be writing and working in groups so be ready.  A little different than before.

Enjoy the rest of the day and to my period 5 Lovelies, I hope your day gets better if it's been a little bleh. 

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Right Here Right Now" by Jesus Jones