Friday, April 5, 2019

On the Train to Nowhere

Dear Lovelies,

27 classes until the AP Language Exam and I couldn't have asked for a better way to kick off our work for the next few weeks than with a wonderful week of Create Something 2.0.  In all truth, presentations are a rollercoaster of ups and downs but it never fails to impress me, the talent and intelligence that gets overlooked in a typical classroom.  Maybe our class isn't what you like or enjoy, but I do know that all of you will look back on your days at PL and remember - good or bad - our time together.

We're going to end this shared experience in June so open your hands and embrace what's left before it's too late.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Dancing's Not a Crime" by Panic at the Disco


  1. I’m sad that this fun class has to end, but I am very thankful for the time I am able to be a part of it. -Bryce Alvar

  2. Probably the best week we've had so far (at least for period 4)!

  3. I loved seeing all of the projects, so much fun!!
