Tuesday, October 2, 2018

My Current Thinking & Adichie

Exceptions always prove the rule.  Think about that - when you stand out for anything really, it's because the "average" is doing something else.  In Room 853 there are no grades for a reason.  Mainly there are "pretty" A's and "authentic" A's and you all know the difference - how some of you have gorgeous GPAs but chase grades - or worse, cheat, copy homework, share test answers.  But then there are some of you who blast those typical teen stereotypes to smithereens.  I speak to the exceptions right now when I say, "Thank you, lovelies, for doing your work on time as expected.  You are wholehearted and appreciated and seen."

For those of you who forgot to check the blog, do your work, turn it in, etc. mistakes that don't get acknowledged or fixed become habits.  And habits become character.  And character is WHO YOU ARE.

Who are you being?

Use the time you have been gifted in our classroom to learn and grow because life is coming at you fast.

-TED Talk from today HERE.
-Projects due TOMORROW.
-LWD discussion THURSDAY.
-SAS Friday.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Put Your Records On" Corinne Bailey Rae


  1. I’m happy with how my project turned out, I also really like the ted talk today.-Bryce Alvar

  2. today's ted talk was kind of crazy, my mind is confused about everything now. on a side note, the song we danced to today is so great!! i grew up listening to 2000s neo songs like 'put your records on' because of my mom, so the song brings back really good memories from when i was little. i just never got the chance to remember the name of the song until i sent you my suggestion list, so i'm glad fate decided i should take a look at my spotify suggestions to make the list an even number. thanks so much for actually playing it. :^) -ash
