Thursday, April 12, 2018


Hi, Lovelies -

I just found out that we will be doing Smarter Balance Testing in our English classes on all of the upcoming Block Schedule Days.  That means we have 2 regular classes after the AP Lang exam on 5/16.  Then, starting Monday 5/21, we will be testing.  You will test in my classroom.  I will spend the entire day giving the test.  The.  Entire. Day.  My birthday is 5/25 so at least we have regular class together then but we will essentially be testing until Monday 6/4 when your TED Talks start.  That SADLY MEANS WE WON'T BE DOING CREATE SOMETHING 2.0.  I could cry.  Maybe that's great news for you, but not for me.  :(  We won't even be able to do the College Project in class either.  (Although I will be more than happy to help you with anything college related.)  Any suggestions for how we can still share awesome CS 2.0 projects???  Comment below.

I am beyond bummed. 

Love and Light still but...BOO.

Today's Song: David Bowie "Let's Dance"

Block Schedule

MAY 21, 23, 29, 31 – ODD PERIODS
Period 1: 7:30-9:28
Period 3: 9:34-11:35
Lunch: 11:41-12:11
Period 5: 12:17-2:15
MAY 22, 24, 30, & JUNE 1 – EVEN PERIODS
Period 2: 7:30-9:28
Period 4: 9:34-11:35
Lunch: 11:41-12:11
Period 6: 12:17-2:15


  1. 5 points:
    1. How dare they call themselves Smarter Balance when they are disrupting our smart balance?
    2. Block schedule will kill me.
    3. Idea: Build an elaborate set of paper mâché students and pretend to do testing while we are actually presenting CS 2.0 projects underground.
    4. Your birthday is a day before mine! Gemini gang??
    5. The best David Bowie song is Cactus.

  2. NOOO! I’ve spent hours and hours and involved almost 30 people in my Create Something. Can we start presenting them on Fridays instead of SAS? :,,,(

  3. This is shocking to hear I was really looking forward to my create something project but i guess life happens.
