Sunday, June 4, 2017

I'm Back

I'm back with the need to write and at this point in the game, why censor myself?  You have been in my orbit since the end of August and some of you have seen me...really seen me so you already know that I am a writer (daily journaler since 1984, thank you very much) and you know that I admire people who are intelligent and brave and compassionate.  Thus, it shouldn't come as a surprise that with the "alone time" I have today (kiddos are on a playdate with the hubs) I am rereading Kirker's blog about his Whole30 experience.

It's hilarious.

In period 4 when he was presenting, he made reference to my insanity for pretty much being on a Whole3Years diet...and it made me remember that I am usually all or nothing.  I decided to give up Dr Pepper on a dare with my mom back in October...of 2004 that is, and I went from a two can a day habit to nada.  I decided to revamp my diet back in December...of 2014 that is, and I went from eating out all the time to pretty much cooking every single meal.  I'm just a bit intense and maybe that why I connected with Kirk way back when he owned the yoga studio I frequented.  Like minds and all...

But the real reason I sat down to write is because I came across a quote on Kirk's blog that made me laugh out loud, and it motivated me to remind you that writing daily is such a good and healthy practice.  It gives you a chance to reset and reflect and be real...and who couldn't use more of that?

Anyhoo, I'm off to read more, but before I go, here's what he said:

"They are serving breakfast empanadas with cheese and other fine ingredients enjoyed by those with no desire to improve their lives."

He's great.


  1. I think we could all need a little revamping of our diets as teenagers haha

  2. Without the whole3years diet, I wouldn't have a delicious vegan pudding recipe. #nodairysquad

  3. Kirk is an awesome person. Thank you so much for bringing him in!

  4. We don't deserve you, but oh how grateful I am for your light.

  5. thank you for letting us meet Kirk! He is truly inspirational

  6. Thank you for letting me skip 4th to see the amazing Kirk. His words will resonate with me forever I'm sure. Here's to improving our own lives by writing things down.

  7. Kirk and Alexis's story might have been the strangest and cutest love story I've ever heard

  8. What peculiar years. This one and the aforementioned year starting your journaling.
