Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sir Kenneth Robinson is My Jam (Don't Tell Shawn Achor) * UPDATED

** Forgot the Daily Journal...oops.  Here goes:  What are some of the things you absolutely love to do and are "good" at?  What would you do (besides sleep and veg out and eat) if you encountered some unexpected free time?

One of my favorite TED Talks today.  Find it here and re-enjoy again and again.  He is the epitome of a composed and quality speaker and he uses such magnificent rhetorical strategies to engage his audience.

Tomorrow for the morning classes (period 2, 3, 4), y'all need to go to the Big Gym for attendance.  If you don't, you will be marked absent.  Work on the documents for class tomorrow so you can show up prepared.

Create Something (1.0) was introduced today.  It's due Friday 12/9 and presentations will take place the following week.  It is what it sounds like for those of you who were absent - create something that is "original and has value".

I'll miss your faces tomorrow but I will see periods 5 and 6.

Love and Light,


  1. 41 million views - the most viewed Ted Talk in history!

  2. Named one of Time/Fortune/CNN's "principal voices".
    Received knighthood for service to the arts from Queen Elizabeth II.
    He has received nine doctorates from different universities.
