Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tai Lopez

Today's TED Talk can be accessed HERE.  Please rewatch and enjoy.  It's not only full of interesting points, but it also references a lot of cool individuals who have a great impact on your life (whether or not you know it...enter Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos).

Have a great afternoon and I am SO excited about Thursday.  Kinda wish we could just skip Wednesday.



  1. I'm upset I'm missing class on Thursday but I'll be in the snow instead! (I can't tell if I'm excited or not)

  2. A truly inimitable TED Talk. Thank you very much for the learning opportunity, Ms. Beltran; see you tomorrow!

  3. I was wondering where I've seen Tai and I realized he's on an ad on youtube.

  4. Good Ted Talk today I got a lot of little notes and such. I would prefer to not skip Wednesday so I can finish my script thing and make it perfect to do on Thursday lol. However, I am excited to share mine and hopefully it'll be funny! Have a good evening Beltran see you tomorrow!

  5. The Laurel flower thrives in acidic soil and is poisonous to eat.
    Whenever I say this, people ask,"What does that say about you?"

  6. Skipping Wednesday would be awesome

  7. This is honestly my favorite TED Talk from class.

  8. I absolutely LOVED the Ted talk today! Definitely my favorite!!
