Thursday, February 5, 2015

A True Story About A Dog Named Harvey

***** UPDATED with a picture of Harvey!!

You're writing Practice Argument Essay #1 and it's quiet, so I'll tell you a story that sorta kinda ties into vulnerability, asking for what you need, and daring greatly.

Our neighbors are awesome.  A young married couple with a little perfect handsome dog named Harvey.  He's the most precious animal ever.  My kids walk him around the block, he runs into our house to look for crumbs under the table, and he sometimes just sits on your feet to say, "Hey, I love you."  He's a favorite.

So this morning at 6:30 I hear my husband greet our neighbor Chris as he heads off to work, and I notice that his wife (who is a nurse) is already gone.  I go about my business of coffee making, lunch packing and yelling  calmly reminding Z that she needs to get dressed. Since the little diva likes the car warm before she enters (this diva does, too) I went outside to start the engine.

I hear jingling.  I think it's my keychain.  But the keys aren't moving.  I slowly look over my shoulder.  It's Harvey.  Escaped from his home, his yard, and no mommy or daddy in sight since they've already left for work.

So there's a dog in my backyard who doesn't belong to me but it makes my heart sing that Harv came to us in his time of need.   And that since I have no dog food, I asked neighbor Larry (who is a dogowner) to drop off some food for him.

Why am I sharing this story?
1.  Because community matters.  Knowing your neighbors by name and being able to ask for help when you need it is so critically important.
2.  Because understanding interconnectedness matters.  Should I delay my scheduled departure so I can help our neighbors out?  Absolutely.  Why?  Because karma is real.
3.  Because even if you're a dog, you need to have a safe place to go when you get locked out of your house.  (Insert symbolism and how a lot of us are "locked out" of our families on a daily basis and need a friend.)
4.  Because Harvey is frickin' cute!! (I'll get a picture of him and post it.)

Happy Day.



  1. "You're in it with everybody's else, and there is nothing more valuable than that." - Dustin Feider
    Have a great day Beltran! Love you!

  2. I am always "calmly reminding" my siblings that they need to get ready for school lol

  3. Harvey is precious.

    "I don't sing in the shower, I perform in the shower."
    -Sofia Scafidi

  4. I would yell at my brother to get up but he doesn't have to wake up until i leave

  5. haha he looks so intent on getting into your house

  6. when I got home today my neighbor's cat was sitting in one of our flower boxes on our porch and it was adorable

  7. A wonderful story. Thank you for your words of wisdom, Ms. Beltran.

    See you tomorrow!

  8. "I know you're in there, human."

  9. Not sure if last commented posted but THAT DOG IS SO CUTE!! I want it 😍

  10. When someone elses happiness is your happiness, that is love.
