Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Monday

Hi All -

Happy Monday.  Hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed your time.

Some reminders and info below...

1.  I will return your SAS Worksheet #1 by Friday, and in turn, you will hand in your SAS #2.
2.  Articulation card is due Friday 2/20.
3.  Journal topic #2:  "Based on the definition of assumption and connected to today's class activity, what thoughts do you have about the role our assumptions play in everyday life?  What about on a societal scale?  A global one?
4.  READ!


p.s. - Period 3!  You must change your seat every day this week.  So...yay!

p.p.s. - With permission...


  1. Now I won't feel bad when i take other peoples seats.

  2. I wish we would stop talking about the Kardashians in APUSH.

  3. Were we supposed to feel uncomfortable with the experiment today?

  4. It'll be a happy Monday when I see that ADORABLE picture on the blog

  5. Not sure if that last comment went through but I agree with Lisa!

  6. Ya Meli and I had a great time!

  7. The "activity" we did yesterday was kinda fun actually (: I learned about a new person in class and sort of proved my assumption but learned more than that and we even merged with another group and were talking to them and telling stories. (: so thanks for that Beltran see ya later!

  8. Just in case my last comment didn't go through!
