Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thus It Begins - Heads Up for Semester Two

Dear Lovelies,

I just finished reading and reviewing your final grade reflections.  So many of you told me the grade you wanted (overwhelmingly A's obviously) but so so so many of you neglected to say THANK YOU.  That says so much about you and I expect better from you all next semester should you still be enrolled in AP Language.

When you enter the classroom, you MUST greet me - a smile, a nod, a hello, basic acknowledgment that you are entering my space.  When you leave the classroom, SAY goodbye or thank you or see you later.  It's common courtesy.  If you don't "feel" like it, I absolutely understand because I don't always feel like saying hello or goodbye to you either but I still do BECAUSE IT IS THE DECENT THING TO DO.

Since grades start on Monday (Hello, Semester 2!!! - final one in Room 853) I wanted to get you into the habit of checking the blog every day.  Most of you did that last semester so this shouldn't be a big change.

If you're curious as to how I "grade", read below.  And if you really want some insight on class, my basic philosophies are rooted in Empiricism from dear old Aristotle.

At any rate, show up on Monday ready to go.  What will you need?  Open hands and perhaps a fresh notebook for notes?  There's nothing quite as inspiring as a new beginning.

Love and Light,

Second Semester: How Grades Work
Ø Every task is meaningful.
Ø You are in charge of your choices.
Ø Assume that everything is for a grade.  Don’t be that kid who asks, “Is this for a grade?”  YES IT IS.
Ø No assignment/task/project is worth “more points”. 
Ø NOTES and PRESENCE are key.
Ø You read. 
Ø Spiral edges = no points.


  1. spiral edges HAHA the bane of every teacher

  2. Thank you for such an amazing semester, I can’t wait for my next one with you! Hope you can relax a little before school comes back again! Have a great weekend!- Bryce Alvar

  3. I can’t wait for the second semester book list!!
