Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Second Semester Book List is HERE!!

Dear Lovelies,

Are you checking the blog?  Have you made it a habit of mind...married with action??  At any rate, I passed out the book list today and my request is that you show up with an annotated list tomorrow.  In your annotations, include the following:

* Author
* Brief Summary

Only annotate for the books you haven't read (unless, of course, you want to annotate all of them).  There are technically 29 titles, 2 are mandatory, and one is just a recommended author.  So, READ.  This request is non-negotiable because as we learned yesterday, when we say we don't "have time" it's really code for "it's not a priority".  And if reading and AP Language is not a priority, the consequence of that decision could be a lower grade or a non-passing grade.  So, please, please, PLEASE do what works for you.  And if that means you won't work hard and read, you have got to reorganize your schedule.

Tomorrow, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED BOOK LIST FOR A GRADE.If you were absent, you can get a copy from me in class when you return and give me the annotated work the next day.

We will be organizing work tomorrow and on Friday your "Holiday Letters" are due.

Love and Light,

P.S. - I will have books available for checkout tomorrow.

Today's Song: "No Scrubs" TLC


  1. Oh boy lots of stuff to do! Excited for the books one or two interested me so looking forward to that!!-Bryce Alvar

  2. I’m so excited to read these books!
