Monday, January 28, 2019

Day One of a New Mindset

Hello, Lovelies -

Thanks for your presence today in Room 853 as we discussed grades and second semester expectations.  I hope what I said made sense. 

Your work for tonight is to prep yourself for the TED Talk tomorrow.  Your rhetor is a speaker by the name of Laura Vanderkam.  Across the board, the number 1 reason most of you said you didn't read more (obviously, not all of you but most) is because you don't have enough time.  We will be learning about how to adjust our mindsets when it comes to time, and I will also be assigning a specific writing assignment that will be due for presentation on Friday.

Excited to see you tomorrow.

And thank you for the EYCs...I am learning a lot and feeling humbled by your sharing. 

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Break My Stride" Matthew Wilder


  1. im so excited to see the ted talk!! - maddie weisenberg

  2. I’m ready to get into second semester! Woo lets start off strong!! -Bryce Alvar

  3. I’m excited for the video and all it has to share!!!

  4. So gaining control of freetime? Okk time to learn from Ms. Vanderkam

  5. dear period 4... sorry you had to write while listening to my sobs... it just got a little too real too fast... see u tomorrow... love ashlee

  6. Super excited for a fresh start this Semester!!

  7. Thank you for a great Monday, can’t wait for the TED talk tomorrow!

  8. After researching her, I’m excited to hear this TED talk and learn more about her points on time management! -Skye
