Monday, February 26, 2018

Why Be Kind?

I've been wondering on this Multiple Choice Monday about the why behind my actions and yours...why be kind to teachers or students?  Why be thoughtful with feelings and emotions?  Why care at all when it seems as if society is consistently pushing us toward a me versus them attitude?  All I know is that all actions go down to the intention...why do I say good morning or pay attention or return phone calls or go out of my way for others?  To get something in return?  I honestly think I do it because that's what I want returned to me - kindness, thoughtful actions, to be seen and heard...And is that even possible in a power dynamic between student and teacher?  Are you being kind because I am your teacher?  Are you being kind because it's how you want to be treated?

And then the concept of being alone...I asked period 4 if they'd ever felt alone.  Everyone raised their hand in the Heads Down Poll.  So because all of us have felt that, aren't we together in our aloneness??

Welcome to my Mind Palace.  Please have a seat.

At any rate, Multiple Choice today.  13 questions that all centered around reading comprehension. 

Tomorrow, TED Talk, Wednesday Counselor Meeting and Thursday, your packets are due.  Friday, SAS...

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Sugar Sugar" The Archies