Wednesday, February 21, 2018

From Time Magazine

I shared a snippet of an article from Time with the later periods, but I just wanted to repost here.  The last paragraph reminds me so much of the Freedom Riders who rode to the South to encourage the African American vote.  History, it seems, is repeating itself.  She often does.

Time Magazine – February 21, 2018
(PARKLAND, Fla.) — Students who survived the Florida school shooting began a journey Tuesday to the state Capitol to urge lawmakers to prevent another massacre, but within hours the gun-friendly Legislature had effectively halted any possibility of banning assault-style rifles like the one used in the attack.
The legislative action further energized the teens as they prepared to confront legislators who have quashed gun-control efforts for decades in a state where 1.3 million people have concealed carry permits.
“They’re voting to have shootings continually happen. These people who voted down the bill haven’t experienced what we did. I want to say to them, ‘It could be you,'” 16-year-old Noah Kaufman said as he made the 400-mile (640-kilometer) trip to Tallahassee.
Three buses carried 100 students who, in the aftermath of the attack that killed 17 people, want to revive the gun-control movement. The teens carried sleeping bags and pillows and hugged their parents as they departed, many wearing burgundy T-shirts in their school colors.


  1. I’ve been out for a couple days so I don’t know what might have been shown in class and what hasn’t, but if Beltran hasn’t already showed this speech by Emma Gonzalez, y’all should watch it.

    1. Such a moving speech. Everything that was said definitely needed to be said right now.

  2. everyone should read the kite runner. it's a phenomenal book and is chalk full of vivid imagery and inspiring messages, while also being tragic.

  3. I’ve been reading Steinbeck’s, “East of Eden”, lately and so far it has been really good. I highly recommend it.

  4. Really cool and inspiring that people, especially kids our age, are pushing for a much needed change.

  5. I'm never going to squander an opportunity to recommend "2001: a Space Odyssey" I couldn't find the time (or patience) to watch the entire movie, but the book is phenomenal, a real page turner.

  6. From Thor:
    If anybody is interested in the '60s, beatniks, hippies, psychedelics, or just counterculture in general, you should read "Electric Koolaid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe. It follows Ken Kesey, author of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," and his Merry Pranksters one their weird strange psychedelic journey, dropping acid, grass, and speed. What's interesting is that the book is written like how a psychedelic trip feels like. It can be confusing and not make much sense, but also very vivid and "colorful" in doing so… if that makes sense. Also, it's really cool reading about them meeting the Hells Angels, the famous clandestine chemist Owlsey, and other well known people… Also their "pranks" are just hilarious! 9/10 RECOMMEND

    But P.S., I couldn't finish this book on the deadline. The descriptions just really warrant you to sit there and think about it and imagine and sort of trip out in your own mind. You can't really just *read* it.

  7. It's terrifying to think this could've just as easily been our school,or a school that anyone you've ever known or loved attends. Regardless, the students and staff at Stoneman Douglass high school were known and loved just as much as all of us are at point loma high school. I could never imagine the trauma that they have had to go through. I could also never imagine going through something like that and instead of feeling completely immobilized, feeling a sense of determination and obligation to make change as those student do. Stephan Colbert says in this clip ( "But there is one group this gives me hope that we can do something to protect the children, and sadly its the chidren" It's
    also sad to think that the people that are there to protect us have made little action to do so. The fact is that there are no innocent bystanders when you let your future for America grow up in a "mass shooting generation". You have to think about what you're creating in the long run, and it seems as though many people on capital hill just can't wait to sweep another one under the rug. Those students are unbelievably strong and its just unfortunate that it's taken so many young lives lost since columbine to get here. If there's been anytime to join the conversation it is now.

  8. I read last night that the superintendent of a major school district in Florida is planning to punish every student in his district who participates in walkouts or protests with a 3-day suspension. Ludicrous that someone can be so selfish that they are willing to punish children for exercising their right to freedom of speech and protesting an issue that poses an immediate threat to EVERYONE, including the superintendent.
