Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Thousand Thoughts

Lots to say...buckle up.

First off, the TED Talk today can be accessed here.  Rewatch, annotate the transcript, take notes, etc.

Secondly, watch this recently posted video from the NRA and then read THIS.  I want you to think about holding opposing viewpoints and stretching your thinking in the direction of what you might not believe.  It's difficult but so necessary.

All of this is to lead up to next week's Argument discussions on Wednesday and Thursday.  In 2004, the Q3 prompt said, "Contemporary life is marked by controversy.  Using appropriate evidence, carefully consider the opposing positions on this controversy and propose a solution or compromise."  You're going to be expected to come to class Wednesday with a controversy you feel is impacting the nation.  We will argue it in class and then on Thursday we will discuss solutions.  Really anticipate what the opposing viewpoints will argue and go from there.

What do you think is a controversy facing this nation?

Tomorrow remember that you have your Counselor meetings.  Thursday your packet is due (and you'll receive #5).  Friday SAS and since I will be out on Friday, March 9th, we are going to do SAS AGAIN on Monday, March 5th.

Thanks for dancing.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Payphone" Maroon 5


  1. The NRA video almost made me puke, and then I read the article. In the Central Valley everyone owns a gun, even my GG owns a gun simply because it's a barrio and an agricultural/live stock based community. Many people would be out of a job if they didn't own a gun, have you ever tried to Kindly put down an animal without a gun? Short answer: you really can't.
    I have also witnessed the travisty a gun can cause. Bloods, Cripps, and many cartel leaders reside in Central Valley limits, it really is halfway LA and half way mini Mexico. I have had to duck my little cousins under tables because of a shoot out after a red pick up drove into out little town of Farmersville.
    I have seen the need for guns and the extreme need for gun restrictions, I completely understand how others may see me as bias or intolerant for thinking that guns shouldn't be completely abolished, but aren't we all bias? I mean we are all choosing a side on this, I simple opt to choose a side that is cooperative with both parties. To make that clear, the party who rely on guns for SURVIVAL and those we believe guns should be ABOLISHED.
    NO guns should not be used for violence
    NO guns should not be used for "play"
    YES their should be major gun laws
    YES there should be a limit to the amount of guns one can have given their use for the gun
    YES there should be MULTIPLE background checks on a person THROUGHOUT their ownership of the gun(s)
    This is the side of middle ground.

  2. that was a fantastic piece by brene, it really addressed both sides of the arguement and was well crafted. the NRA video was pretty... bad. it speaks for itself in a lot of ways (mainly the divisive "you vs us" rhetoric.)

  3. she said "force the police to do their jobs" is that not insulting to the police, as to say they already weren't doing their jobs? And with that in mind what does forcing the police to do their jobs even mean to our NRA spokeswoman? Because it might just be me but, it sounds like shes instigating police violence.

  4. Dana Loesch says, "We have to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth." Only a great Vonnegut excerpt can explain my reaction to statements like these. It is not my rebuttal, but a representation of my plea to the world.

    "'I say this, and then you rebut me, then I rebut you, then somebody else comes in and rebuts us both. What a nightmare where everybody gets in line to rebut each other.'" -The Sirens of Titan

  5. The piece by Brene Brown was so well said, everyone needs to read it!!
