Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Book Deadline #1

My heart was heavy last week due to the Parkland shooting.  It still is, but today a glimmer of hope with what will actually change the world: YOU.  It is an absolute joy to see a room full of future voters, business owners, artists, athletes, musicians, teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc. discussing books they read.  THAT CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING.

I'm not your mom, but I am Mama Bear proud to see so many of you legitimately reading.  Yes, I am biased toward people who read.

Thank you.

Enjoy the rest of your day and make sure your PPP is done for tomorrow.  Some more goodies headed your way.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Upside Down" Jack Johnson


  1. Let's hope I can be there for the next one

  2. If you're reading this... YOU SHOULD READ "The Hate U Give." Seriously, it's so good. I couldn't put it down. It's probably one of my favorite books of all time. The story line always interesting and has a relatable teen-ish vibe to it, but it also brings in deeper messages regarding race and class. 11/10 recommend.

  3. If you guys liked "The Great Gatsby", please read "No one is coming to save us" by Stephanie Powell Watts. The story line is similar to Fitzgerald's work and I couldn't put it down. It's one of those books that you don't know what is going to happen next. A page turner.

  4. I agree with Caitlin. “The Hate U Give” was so so good. It was a very eye opening and taught me so many things. It was also very easy to read and understand as it was coming from the perspective of a teenager. One of my new all time favorite books.

  5. What to read next you may ask? I recommend "The Opposite of Loneliness" if you want to read a young describe what they believe about the world and fantastically false realities.

  6. I would highly, highly recommend Sirens of Titan to anyone living. It answers the question of what it means to not only be truly alive, but what it means to be happy. Searching for meaning in life is something I think a lot of people can relate to and Vonnegut illustrates that journey so well.

  7. If you liked the writing style in Marina Keegan's "Stability in Motion" that Beltran showed us in class you should check out the rest of "The Opposite of Loneliness." It's filled with both fiction and nonfiction stories that cover a really wide range of topics. It's an easy read and the span of different subjects kept it interesting and fresh. I highly recommend!

  8. I would highly recommend reading Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. While reading this book you learn many things about life and the way our society is viewed upon. You hear the problems that individuals keep quiet about while the author responds with advice that's interpreted from her own personal situations. Although at times I did not agree with some of the positions she took while telling others how to handle certain struggles, it is a wonderful book that everyone should read. If you do not want to get the book, I still would highly encourage you to hear her voice on her online column. You can find this on under "Dear Sugar".

  9. I highly recommend reading “The Opposite of Loneliness” written by Marina Keegan. This book includes a fiction and nonfiction section, all written from the perspective of a young girl. Through each chapter, Keegan writes about thought-provoking thoughts that keep you wanting more. Her fiction pieces have very intriguing plots and her nonfiction pieces showcase her beliefs on a variety of subjects. I would definitely read this book if you haven’t yet!
