Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Outliers Reading Day

Hi, lovelies -

Thank so much for reading in class today and prepping for our class discussions next week.  In an effort to help you become even better students than you already are, take a look at some of the expectations/questions I have for our time together next week.

As a true reader, begin with the basics and context and journey into the critical thinking necessary for a strong consumer of rhetoric.
  • Who is Malcolm Gladwell?
  • When did he publish this book?
  • Does he have a website?
  • Has he written or produced other works?
  • Consider the title and the subtitle.
  • Look up geographic locations on a map so you have a mental visual about where things are taking place. 
  • For each chapter, have you annotated the text with questions, thoughts, items that you challenge or are confused by?
  • Have you looked up words and definitions as needed?
  • After reading the book, have you done any research on critics' opinions of Gladwell's claims?  What else is out there in terms of Outliers?
  • Most importantly, what do YOU THINK about the individual chapters and the book as a whole?
  • What are you curious about in terms of how your classmates think?  Do you have any questions for them?
  • Overall, what have you taken away from the text?
  • And a PRO TIP for getting organized in discussions takes a lot of advanced prep work but it pays off in the end...Have a color coded system of Post-Its or even just really well-organized notes that give you clues as to what you want to say/discuss.  For example, red Post-Its can indicate items you disagreed with or had questions about, yellow Post-Its can represent quotable lines or items you feel are vital/good, and blue Post-Its can be outside research you did on vocabulary, maps, biographical info, etc.  The point is to BE PREPARED.  ("Achievement is talent plus preparation.  The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role preparation seems to play. " page 38)

Also, here's the video I showed a snippet of today - #Ham4Bey.  Just wow. 

Love and Light,

Daily Journal:  Agree, disagree or qualify the following statement - - > "No one is a self-made person."


  1. It has been far too long where I had an English class that just let me read.

  2. The quote that you posted on the blog is something I have starred in my book!!! I love it.
