Saturday, August 25, 2018

Gearing Up for Monday

Dear Lovelies,

I just finalized the Semester 1 Book List.  If you are interested in feeding your brain, I'll be posting it soon enough.

Hope everyone is enjoying the last weekend before school. 

Here's to Year 21 and a whole new crew.

Love and Light,

P.S. - If any alums still read, care to post some advice for the incoming juniors??


  1. To embrace everything that happens in room 853 and to dance! No matter how embarrassed or awkward you might feel.

  2. ^^ Dancing will be the best part of your day so just try. Everyone is worried about themselves... nobody is going to care about how you look

    1. Oh man do I concur. First one into it always has the best time in 853.

  3. Listen to what Beltran has to say. You don't have to like it or agree with all of it but listen and you might just learn a thing or two. Have fun and just dance.

  4. Read as much as you can... it really does help for the AP test and for people who say they don’t like reading there are books out there for everyone. Beltran gives amazing recommendations so ask her if you need help. Also embrace the fact that it’s not a “normal” classroom environment and you will get a lot out of this class I promise.

  5. Beltran is such an amazing teacher that you really don't need any advice for going in so there is nothing to worry about. But first day will seem pretty intimidating and weird with dancing (everyone went through that) but I swear to you it is so much fun and just let loose because it's a great way to start a class. Also is you have nothing to read ask Beltran and TAKE HER SUGGESTION! She knows what she is talking about!! And just embrace everything in that class cause once your a senior your really gonna miss it.

  6. Room 853 is so different from everything you're used to... don't be weird about it. Give it a chance and you'll love it. Don't snap instead of dancing. Check the blog (and comment!!). Email Beltran if you have questions, or even if you don't. Read. A lot. Not because you have to, but because it'll feed your brain. Also, Beltran gives really good recommendations.
