Friday, December 15, 2017

Gratitude & Going Off the Grid

Hi lovelies,

Thank you for a glorious day and thank you for the gifts. Taking the time to show appreciation means a lot to me.

I won’t be posting until 2018 so check back then.

Happy Everything to you all.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: kind of a flash mob situation

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Day 4

When I was younger, we didn't have a lot in terms of money, but my sister and I had no idea how little we had until one holiday morning.  All I wanted that year for Christmas was a Barbie Dream House.  All my sister wanted was matchbox cars.

What we got instead was a shared present - a yellow pencil sharpener...the school kind that can be mounted on the wall.

For years, we sharpened our pencils with that yellow sharpener.

My homework assignments were done with pencils sharpened by that present.

My ACT was taken with pencils sharpened by that present.

My rough draft of college essays were sharpened by that present.

And to this day, that present remains one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.

That is, until after lunch today when I was gifted a plastic bag.

There's a story behind that bag - one that is mine alone - because that bag brought me right back to when I first learned the difference between a present and a gift.

So a huge thank you to the kind soul who gifted me that bag.  It means the world.

More Create Something tomorrow and FINAL MWF DAY.  Keep your presents with you and make sure you're ready for the big reveal.

Love and Light,

Today's Songs:  all over the place

P.S. - Period 5...see you at noon!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


I love getting a peek into your passions through Create Something. Who do you present yourself as when given no limits. Are you bringing “it” or doing what feels safe? So many projects to applaud but a couple in period 3 took the cake. Future stars???

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Love and Light,

Today’s Songs: All over the place!! Aretha’s “I Say a Little Prayer”, Kool n the Gang’s “Celebrate” and some Whitney Houston

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Day Two Highlights

There were such highlights from today, and I don't mean to ignore all the effort made, but three words:  George Michael Video.

I'll see y'all tomorrow for more. 

Love and Light,

Today's Songs:  "Celebrate" Pitbull and that aforementioned George Michael video situation.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Create Something Day One

There are few words to describe the creativity that flows forth from y'all.  I find it so exciting (and inspiring) to witness your projects.  From astronauts to hand lotion...WOW.

I look forward to more tomorrow.

Day 2 of MWF.
Day 2 of Create Something.

Love and Light,

Today's Song:  "Africa" by Toto

Friday, December 8, 2017

MWF Starts on Monday

If you signed up for MWF, it begins Monday.  Please stop by class at some point and drop off your small something.  Make sure it is labeled with the person's name and their class period.  The best way (I think) to make the stay secretive is that you either 1) have a friend drop off the gift for you or 2) you secretly place it in the box I will have labeled "MWF".  We will figure it out.

As for ideas, first off, don't stress.  It's fun. 

Secondly, keep it simple and have good intentions.

Here are some ideas of what I would do:

  • baking cookies or a fun treat
  • an inspirational quote a day
  • a compliment
  • a homemade playlist with songs listed for "a good day", "a bad day", "a sad day", etc.
  • a list of good movies
  • a list of book recommendations
  • a piece of something per day that adds up to the real gift on Friday
  • a series of clues/riddles that reveal themselves on Friday
  • a collage of words you think describe them based on what you know
  • a survival kit for finals
  • photographs
  • a picture frame you fashion out of items you have at home
  • a jar that you fill with compliments
  • a flower 
Just some quick ideas.

Have fun and I will see you Monday for CREATE SOMETHING.

Love and Light (and 5 more days!!!!),

Today's Song: Michael Jackson practice to "Beat It"

Thursday, December 7, 2017

A Thousand Thoughts

I have about a thousand thoughts flitting through my brain.  Each one based upon the discussions and points made in class.  What is success, anyway?  Would you choose to be happy over more money?  Where does the greatest asset of wealth (your good health - mental and physical) fit into the equation?  If we're moving the goalpost of success, when will we reach it?  (Shawn Achor)  Do you need to matter to a lot of people?  Or even be remembered by many?  Shouldn't it (as one of my lovely T.A.s emailed) "matter to you"?  I mean, in my estimation it takes maybe two generations before you're simply a name in your own family history.  You will forget me but is that why I teach?  To be remembered?  Or to make a tiny ripple in your life that will manifest itself in a decision neither you or I will even recognize as a game changer.  There is a huge amount of stress on your shoulders to do the "right" thing but the "right" thing varies from situation to situation.  Because every moment is fluid - constantly changing.  Arising, abiding, dissolving.  And because every moment is now.  And every single day is today.  And time is but a human construct.

Before I make my brain melt, I will move on.

But thank you for a solid three days of discussion.  I saw and learned and heard a lot.

MWF.  If you opted to participate, you should have been given your index card today.  The "mysteriousness" commences on Monday 12/11 (the birthday of two lovelies if I'm not mistaken) and wraps up on Friday 12/15 with your reveal.  Email me with questions.

SAS is tomorrow, as you know, so be prepared.

Finally, I have a writing assignment for you.  On Friday, December 15th, please have a 1 page typed piece on the following topic:  Choose a word for 2018 and explain why this is your chosen word for the new year.  I thought I would go ahead and tell you now so you would have some time to think on it and meet the deadline.  Times New Roman, double spaced, size 12 font.

Love and Light,

P.S. - Here's a 2004 TED Talk from Gladwell to supplement your experience with Outliers.

Today's Song: Alan Jackson "Neon Rainbow"

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Outliers Day 2

Ahh, Day 2.  Thanks for listening to the latest updates on the fun in my household...poor Rosabelle.  Such is life.

Your discussions were great though, and I appreciate that very much.  Tomorrow is one last day of chatting so come to class ready to address a few key points:

  • your definition of success
  • your cultural legacy
  • your tendencies, assumptions and reflexes
  • what do you value?
I'll see you tomorrow with hopefully no more stories!

Love and Light,

Today's Song(s): Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" -period 1, "Somebody to Love" - all other classes

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Outliers Day 1

Just Bravo.

I’m excited for more tomorrow.

More voices, more thoughts, more everything.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: Marvin Gaye “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”

Monday, December 4, 2017

Safety Scissors Aren't So Safe After All

Happy Monday, Lovelies.

Thank you for your work on the Multiple Choice today (anyone absent can get a copy tomorrow to complete at home).  The passage really is one of my favorites because of that last paragraph.

We also submitted grades and confirmed participation in MWF.  If you were absent, please email me your grade and let me know if you want to be partnered up for the MWF exchange.

Tomorrow you need to come to class having read Gladwell's Outliers.  We will enter the proverbial arena with our first discussion ready.

Friday, of course, is SAS and then WE GET TO DO CREATE SOMETHING.  I am a bit excited.  Hope you are too.

Here's hoping no more hair gets cut in my household.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Elton John "Tiny Dancer"

Friday, December 1, 2017

A Fun Yet Strange Friday

Seeing y'all bust out some choreography literally made me happy.  So thank you for that.  Spilling my coffee in period 2 and having my projector bulb blow period 4, not so happy.  But all is well in the world again. 

I did TOTALLY FORGET today is the last day of the 6 weeks (shout out Sally and Grace for reminding me).  As such, could you please EMAIL ME by Sunday (let's say noon) so I can enter your requested grades.  Please send me a number (88, 92, 85, etc.).

Thank you and much appreciation for a great (if not, wonky) week.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: practice to Michael Jackson's "Beat It"