Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Updates and Info

So, all of you are required to conduct an interview with a fellow human being who is alive on planet earth.  See below for guidelines:

1.  If you'd like, download the Story Corps app (it's free) that Dave Isay spoke of yesterday.
2.  Follow the instructions on the app.  (If you're just recording on your own, do that instead with a camera or your phone.)
3.  By THIS FRIDAY have a person selected to interview and make sure you submit their name (and your relationship) to me.
4.  By FRIDAY 4/17, have a list of questions you plan on asking your interviewee.
5.  By FRIDAY, 4/24, have the interview completed along with a selfie/photo of you and the person you interviewed.  If you upload the conversation to Story Corps itself, that counts as evidence.


**Daily Journals need to be submitted/checked every day.  Get on that, people.
**SAS on Friday
**Test prep book required in class AGAIN tomorrow.


And just food for thought...HERE. Do you agree or disagree? Or qualify?


  1. I agree, those are interesting thoughts, they make a lot of sense and it sort of lays out all the things that school does or doesn't do and it makes college that much more terrifying. It was fun drawing the AP story board today lol

  2. I agree completely. But, would it be possible impose college life/school on lower class-men?

  3. Well, as far as doing extra work by yourself for your class, I'm pretty sure you and Mr. Posternack have us prepared for that.
