Monday, April 20, 2015

Juicy Bits (kinda my new favorite phrase...)

So, we went over tips for Argument (Q3).  Do as you wish with the info...I encourage you each to spend at least 30 minutes a day doing something for this test.  Ideas listed below.

- Read cool things, like THIS article on children's books.
- Buy a copy (or read a copy) of Time's latest issue on the Top 100 Influential People.  It's cool.
- Watch TED talks and work/review/add to your chart.
- Go to Starbucks and buy me a soy latte.
- Complete some practice MC passages from AP Central or your prep books.
- Watch "The Colbert Report" or "The Daily Show".
- Browse websites like this one or this one to brush up on terms.
- Listen to a podcast from NPR.  Why not Story Corps or Morning Edition?
- SLEEP.  Nothing like a little quality sleep to keep the mind clear.

See you tomorrow for TED Talk Tuesday.


p.s. - Interviews are due may use a clip for your SAS if you want.


  1. So buying you a soy latte will help us on the test?

  2. Micah Modesto's birthday was this past weekend!

  3. See you tomorrow, Ms. Beltran!

  4. The internet is a beautiful place! For any of y'all who want to read that TIME Magazine article but don't want to go and buy it, it is located online!
