Thursday, September 12, 2013


I've never been really good at taking pictures.  My husband or my sister always seem to get the best shots so they usually take on that role at family functions or gatherings.  But I've come to find that I'm pretty good at shots of candid moments - when your head is thrown back in real laughter, when you're engrossed in a book, when you don't know anyone is watching. These snapshots are a moment in time, and just like time, they arise, abide, and dissolve.  My mind is on those of you whose schedules will be changed due to class sizes needing to be at 36. What goes into deciding who gets to stay?  Or move to another section?  Or leave to American Literature?

Because I stopped today on my way to my car, I know the answer to those questions.

All I can say is that a lot of things in life are like snapshots - just little glimpses into what was at one moment and is no longer. So a "bad" picture might just be a poor angle and a "good" picture might just be sweet lighting. No matter what, it's just a bit of who you REALLY are.

I know most of you won't understand what I'm trying to say, but just listen:  you are capable of greatness whether or not you're in my class. Period.



  1. You know i never really thought of things like that. Before, I always just came to the conclusion that most unfortunate things happened just due to bad luck and I just tried to brush them off, but now that you put it like this, I definitely will be trying to see things differently.(: Also, I love photography and so this is the perfect analogy for me haha. xD

  2. Yes Im stalking your blog once again but I completely agree I love taking candid shots of people. Those are the best time they are real, they aren't staged they are beautiful memories. Stuff you'll remember and hold on to the photo for the rest of your life, a moment in time. A photo that holds meaning. 1,000,000 staged photos can never compare to a candid of you and your best friend laughing or having coffee or exploring. I love this.

  3. Forever one of my favorite lines. "All I can say is that a lot of things..."
