Monday, December 12, 2016

Ooh ohh ohh - Day Two

Today was great too.  From the soup to the videos to the "oh no biggie" but I converted my words into music and here's the song.  I am amazed and inspired and impressed with your efforts.  Thank you for sharing of yourselves in such a way...looking forward to Day 3 tomorrow.

Have a peaceful and relaxing afternoon and evening.  Daily Journal below.


Daily Journal:  After watching two days of presentations, what have you been impressed with from your peers?  


  1. Including a nice lil' blast from last years past of Blank Space and War Trenches.

  2. I loved all of the presentations today. Umeyma's new hijab techniques were very interesting and I can't even comprehend how Mitchell even...I just don't know. Not to mention Teresa's new stroke, Nikki's amazing soup, and Fernando's composition. Ready to see more great stuff tomorrow!

  3. These presentations really get me in the Christmas spirit!

  4. So impressed by peanut butter art!

  5. I am very excited to see what is in store for the rest of this week.
