Monday, December 5, 2016

Discussion #1

Good job today - very interesting conversations and discussions...I wonder what will happen on Wednesday???  Before that time, consider if you think everyone has a natural ability and what do you think about the time/era you were born in?  How has this shaped you?

I'll see you tomorrow for our TED Talk...


Daily Journal:  Write your answers to the 2 discussion questions above.  


  1. The exstistential crises have happened anyway

  2. After some research, I found that the "!" in !Kung is used to represent a clicking noise. There are different types of "clicks" that are used in Africa and this specific one is called an aspirated lateral click.
    Here's a short video providing an example

  3. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

  4. (Just a little reminder for everyone in class, if you want to publish this) I found a quote in Outliers saying "My wish with outliers is that it makes us understand how much of a group project success is." I feel like this pertains to the next few weeks because I'm already feeling the stress of school. With teachers piling on the work and cramming everything in last minute before break, we get that awful feeling of "dropping the ball" when it comes to grades. But as Malcolm Gladwell tells's a group effort so if anyone's feeling stressed out and under pressure just know that we're all in this together;) and we will be successful.
