Friday, December 16, 2016

Holiday Truth Tea

Dear Lovelies,

2016 has been a difficult year for me personally.

I unexpectedly lost my mother to an aggressive stage four form of breast cancer on May 30th of this year.  Her diagnosis to her death was a whopping 13 days.  Her death came five days after I turned 40 and on the same day my older sister turned 42.  I held my mom's left hand as she took her final breath; my sister held her right.  And in that moment - the moment I saw my mother die - my whole world shattered.

My mother was a warrior - a single mom who worked the night shift at the local police department in order to drive us to school.  She was a role model - an inspiration to her two children who saw hard work, compassion, and kindness every single day.  (I didn't know chewing gum came in long sticks until I was in college because everything we ever had was split in two and shared.) To put it simply: my mother was my giant, my rock, my everything.  

I share this with you not to garner sympathy or pity but to let you know that this is the first holiday without the anchor of my family.  It's been a few months of "firsts" - the first day of school without my champion, the first Thanksgiving without her voice in my ear, the first time I have come home with a truckload of gifts from my students and I can't call her to wax poetic about how lucky I am to be your teacher.

I don't think you know how truly thankful I am for the love and light you bestow upon me - and I'm not talking about the generous gifts many of you took the time to give me.  I'm talking about the willingness to give our class a chance, the courage to step out of your Circle Thingy every single day, the hello's and goodbye's you offer each moment we get to share.

I know I am not perfect and I'm not fool enough to think you all speak of me positively but I do know that my days are made better because I get to do what I love (teach) in a place I adore (Room 853) with human beings (you) who remind me that hope is not a lost cause.

I wish you ALL the happiest of holidays.  May the road rise to meet each of you and may you know you are loved.

Love and Light and Happy 2017,

p.s. - No mandatory Daily Journals but write if you'd like.