Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Another Post

I have so much to say...but I'll keep it simple.  To E and to J, just love, love, love.  I think of both of you every single day.  To M for being a kind friend.  To A for being my unofficial daughter who I love like my own.  To all my people who have been visiting lately and hugging me and reminding me that even though my sandcastles erode every day, some of the beauty (and sand) still sticks.  To the obnoxious bus driver who told V she couldn't bring her artwork on the bus, thank you because I now have a gorgeous pastel that I'll cherish forever.  To C for the soap, R for the sass, S for the laughs...just grateful.

(love the cryptic nature of just letters??)



  1. Your school spirit was insane today!

  2. Well I didn't know what acai was until this day, I guess you learn something new everyday.

  3. I love these presentations, I love learning about so many fascinating things and having the freedom to do so!
