Monday, March 9, 2015

Across the Universe/ALPS - Part II

You wrote today in class about your ALPS projects.  If you were absent, below is the general outline of the ONE PAGE piece of writing we did.

I.  Research/Interest Focus:  what are you learning about?  what is guiding you?  desire or fear?
II.  Research Done Already - what have you researched thus far? sources? websites? books?  notes?
III.  Findings (thus far) - be specific about what you have discovered
IV.  Presentation/Final Product - what can I look forward to?

Sign Up Sheets will be outside my classroom door by 7am on Wednesday morning.  Sign up for a presentation slot!



  1. It'll be cool to hear these presentations and see what people are interested in. It'll be better since people will be passionate about it so it'll be good presentations or atleast hopefully they're somewhat passionate about it... See you tomorrow, Beltran!

  2. 7am? Who even gets here by then?

  3. The pen and pencil do the most work when it comes to writing, they literally pour themselves into their work!
    And it seems impossible that there isn't life outside Earth, considering really how far away only the closest star is...and the infinity beyond that...
