Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My Boyfriend Gave a TED Talk

Good ol' Benjamin Zander!  This is seriously one of my all time favorites.  Check it out again before Thursday and make sure you take notes galore.  This one is full of quotable quotes and good takeaways.

Tomorrow, your mind will be BLOWN away by the quality of writing we're going to read.  After school, dare I say, you will want to run to the bookstore and buy a copy of this author's work.

Thursday we're NOT having multiple choice, but we're reading to feed our brains.  I'll explain that better tomorrow in class.  And Friday it's Round III SAS.


p.s. - thanks to the fabulous MD who introduced me to Tiny Buddha.  That's a great site so check it out if you're so inclined.

p.p.s. - Z, if you still read this, stretchmarks.


  1. If Zander plays "one-buttock-ed" piano, does that mean he's playing it "half-assed"?
