Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The End of an Era

Dear Room 853,
Thank you for rising up to meet me each day these past 10 years.  Every morning I felt grateful and thankful to unlock your doors and manifest my positive intentions.  You've witnessed so much - from angry, bitter kids who clearly need love to sweet souls who radiate sunshine.  From dance circles to impromptu runways, from TED Talks to spoken word poetry, to peals of laughter and tears of sadness, you, my room, have seen it all.

Thank you for holding space for me and for all the Lovelies from 2009 and on who passed through your doors.  I will miss you.

Love and Light,


  1. I was later to the party than most but that room meant everything to me. Crazy to think my everything was just one of many.

  2. Hey Mrs.Beltran!

    I got a weird itch to come visit your blog after all these years and now I know why. Thank you for all you've done! You helped shape me into who I am now and I'm very grateful for all the lessons you've taught me and countless other kids. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do next, I'm sure wherever you go the people there will get a deep breath of fresh air.

    Thank you and good luck,
    -Daniel Nagy
