Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Goodbye Period 5...and Room 853

Period 5 -

Thank you for being a fun class to look forward to after I ate too much food at lunch (or completely forgot to eat because I was too busy talking during lunch).  You will always hold a special place in my heart as the last set of students in this magical space.  And that (almost) the entire Fowler clan was in attendance is the cherry on top of this sweet treat called teaching.

I hope each of you has the summer you deserve - that you wear sunscreen and your heart on your sleeve.

Love and Light for the last time from your English teacher,

P.S. - I'll say goodbye to my precious space after I turn in my keys tomorrow..."what a long, strange trip it's been".

1 comment:

  1. Have a great summer Beltran! You and Room 853 will be missed. Thank you again for everythingđź’›
