Tuesday, August 29, 2017

This Is Water

Ahh, lovelies, Day 2 is in the books.  Thank you for showing up and being kind in so many ways with my learning of names and the broken A/C.  I appreciate it.

Today you filled out index cards with some information (see me if you were not present) and we chatted about being the kind of student who looks stuff up.  Decide if you want to know something or if you're okay not knowing.

The rhetor (AP Lang term for presenter/speaker) was David Foster Wallace and the video we watched is "This is Water".  Before class tomorrow, know who he was and rewatch the video and take quality notes.

Tomorrow in class we will see what you learned and will add some more Lego pieces to the bin.

See y'all tomorrow.

Love and Light,

P.S. - Our textbook checkout is THIS THURSDAY.  

Song: Earth Wind and Fire "Shining Star"


  1. I've had such a fun time in your class these past two days! You seem like such an amazing person and teacher! I'm excited to spend this year with you!

  2. After listening to the lyrics of Shining Star again, I really see the connection between your open hands theory and the commencement speech by David Foster Wallace! Now I'm beginning to like Earth, Wind, and Fire :)

    1. Beginning to...? EWF razzle dazzles like h*ck

  3. "This is Water" was actually extremely eye opening and I'm glad you showed us it!!

  4. Gosh do I miss this class and this lesson!!

  5. This lesson really made me think!! Great lesson in it

  6. As I was watching this in class, I realised that I was just going through the motions of watching the video. I wasn't really watching it, I was listening to it. Actually, I was barely holding on to the words. When he said that we have a decision between being conscious and unconscious, I looked at the screen and thought about what my day had been. The whole day, I was unconscious. I think it's crazy how you can just go through the motions and not even realise it until later. I'm pretty sure youyou're going to give me multiple existential crises, so thanks for that in advance.

  7. From being in your class only two days I have already learned so much already like being able to make a connection with someone can be very helpful.

  8. "This is water" by David Foster Wallace, changed my perspective on the average adult life, it defiantly motivates me to make sure that is not what my life has to come to!

  9. Don't behind of your circle thingy

  10. Great video, really showed me how caught up into grueling routines we can get and how we really need a break every once and a while.

  11. I have had my goldfish since 4th grade
