Saturday, September 24, 2016

To My Seniors

Hi, lovelies. If you're reading this and you're a junior, feel free but it's for my people from last year.

I suppose there's a better way to do this, but my sun kissed body is pretty tired from the day and I needed to fix this NOW.

Back in January, those Daily Journals imploded and I told you not to ask me for a letter of recommendation. I said I'd email you. Then May happened, and my heart shattered and splintered and split. A vital part of me died. I came back to work, and I think I managed to appear put together when the the truth of the matter is that I was (and still am) grieving.

MB had to remind me on a breakfast date in July that I said I'd email people. So I did manage to send off a few before more waves of grief swept me under. And then I blinked and here we are. PR - my prince in so many ways - reminded me earlier today that there are some of you who deserve and need letters. While I'm no author, if my words can help garner you an advantage, it'd be my pleasure.

So, if you're still reading this blog, you know what I'm offering and you can ask yourself if you're one of my people. Are you in my orbit still? Do we talk? Are you and I emailing, chatting, maintaining a relationship? If so, well...Amanda Palmer it up.

Love & Light