Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Seniors...Heads Up!

Hi, lovelies! A thoughtful classmate of yours emailed me the other day to say she had seen some important college updates on Naviance. Not sure what you've been up to on the college front, but if you're interested...login to Naviance and troll around.

The 800 building is still standing so Room 853 is where you'll find me - if you're looking for me or if you're trying to avoid me. Wink wink.

Be well these last few days of vacation and I'll hug you soon.



  1. Gosh, I'm going to miss coming into your class. I miss you and I hope you've been having an amazing summer. Hopefully this new set of ducklings have an open mind and are ready for a taste of what the world has to offer. See you soon!

    Much, much, much love!

  2. Thanks for the information! Ill make sure to stop by once school starts!
