Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How Do You See?

Thank you for your presence in class.  Before tomorrow, please respond to the following question:  How do you see?  Avoid the obvious, immature answer...with "my eyes".

Be prepared to discuss your answers at the beginning of class and be prepared to open your minds to AP Language.

I'm learning names as should you...a little name "quiz" next week, let's say?

ALSO, if you were absent and missed it, please give me an index card with the following information:
1.  Full name and class period
2.  Birthday
3.  Former English teacher if at PLHS
4.  Who do you live with? Room situation - own room, share??
5.  Any siblings?  Names and ages?
6.  About you - 3 things
7.  One thing you'd like me to know
8.  Do you have internet access?



  1. I am glad I got to sit in your class and watch you teach today! It brought back so many great memories 💕

  2. You guys are seriously blessed to have a teacher like Beltran! Little tip though, ALWAYS do your work and be prepared.

  3. Gosh I miss your class, have an incredible year ❤️

  4. Oh how I miss this class.. and dancing to Beyoncé. Hope the school year has been great so far Beltran! Good luck Juniors :)
