Friday, June 26, 2015

Just My Thoughts

I watched Obama's eulogy for slain Senator Clementa Pinckney today (you should too) and it made me so scared for the disconnection we all feel and humbled by the grace and love the victims' families have shown toward the killer. I don't think it's coincidence that the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the constitutionality of same sex marriage the exact day this murdered man who preached love was being laid to rest. In the New York Times today, the writer wrote that the gunman - a "white stranger" had been "welcomed" into the AME church by Pinckney. That kid sat with the men and women in a prayer circle. This blows my mind that despite the hatred flung at minorities in this country, a stranger was openly and lovingly welcomed. Most of us say one thing and do another when push comes to shove, but this leader practiced what he preached. I am humbled by that kind of grace.  I really am.

A former student of mine just recently shared her TED Talk with me. (I requested a copy so I could reread on days this this.). This person reminded me that we all matter, and what we have to say matters.  Even that murderer in South Carolina matters because his hatred was taught by people who didn't have room in their hearts for love.

Check out the comments made by the victims' families in court to the killer. They forgave him, they prayed for him, they wished him love.

Wow. Just wow.

And if you haven't been reading this summer, what the heck!  Go to the library and check out A Raisin in the Sun or Animal Dreams or The Things They Carried or Station Eleven. Something. Your brain will thank you.



  1. I noticed Michele Norris was on Washington Week talking about The Race Card Project you showed us a while back - happy to see a lot of the thoughts people expressed finally getting the spotlight they deserve in the discussions following the Charleston shooting.

  2. People have a great capacity for compassion. That is why I believe they forgave him, its impossible to imagine what was going threw the killers head.
