Thursday, June 11, 2015

I Cried Today

Because I love you and I love the privilege of teaching. Periods 6 & 7, I'll miss you. Hugs to you all. Be in touch! Xoxo


  1. I feel so blessed to have been a part of 7th period! I couldn't imagine spending the past nine months w. any other group of kids. I'll miss it so much!! love love love you all!

  2. p.s. we all cried today 💗

  3. Omg that was the worst thing ever! I never thought I could be so connected to a class and be so impacted by the fact that it's over.. I hated seeing everyone so sad :( What amazing people...

  4. Thank you so much for everything. I love you and 7th period so much! It was such a beautiful experience. I cannot stress how blessed I am.

  5. I love you 6th period 💛

  6. There is nothing so sweet that there's no tinge of bitter in it. That's the best way I could possibly describe this experience.

  7. It was the best English class I could ever ask for!! Love you guys

  8. Aw now I'm probably going to cry.

  9. Mrs. Beltran I cannot explain how excited this post makes me for the upcoming seems as though your english class has made such and amazing and inspiring impact on a group of young students. From what my sister has told me about your class, and being able to taste a little bit of that today I cannot wait to get to know you and the rest of period 7.
