Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Examining Our Assumptions

Linked you will find a PDF document titled "Examining Our Assumptions" created by my AP mentor Valerie Stevenson.  (Note that there are some grammatical errors in her document.  I just finished my work so ignore the errors.  The work will still make sense.) Please print it out (if you can - handwrite if no ink/printer) and complete it by next Monday, February 2nd.  Place it in the "Class Notes" section of your binder.  The work will help you with the Argument Debate

Introductions were started today in class. (Find that document HERE.)Next Monday we will review the assumptions and have a class discussion and next Wednesday, February 4th, we will hear "opening arguments" should your team be drawn.

Thank you to the many of you who read yesterday's blog post and sent me your email address.  Those of you who did not complete that assignment, remember that this semester, while still about learning, now includes grades. So...send me an email!  :)


p.s. - period 2, so nice to meet you.  CC, great chat at advisory.

p.p.s. - Below is a photo of the book list recommendations I'm creating...Any suggestions?


  1. Meeting my grandparents when they were my age seems like a freaky and awesome experience.

  2. And I read yesterday's blog! I remember thinking,"Oh, I need to send her an email," and then I suppose I forgot.

  3. Just a couple books to add to your list :)
    The Red Tent- Anita Diamant
    A Tree Grows in Brooklyn- Betty Smith

  4. Hi Beltran, yes, I still read the blog and I can't help suggesting a few :-)

    Breakfast of Champions - Vonnegut (genius)
    The Art of Racing In The Rain - Garth Stein
    On The Road - Kerouac
    Brave New World - Sir Aldous Huxley
    Just Kids - Patti Smith (nonfiction, but nonetheless fantastic and an incredible story. I finished in a day and a half)
