Thursday, January 29, 2015


I'm currently sitting in our classroom (Hi, Ilene!!!!!) and I want to remind y'all about SAS #1 (new format) tomorrow.  Get those signatures and maybe have a conversation with your parents about your topic...Whaaaat??!!!  Tomorrow we will present on a volunteer basis so "dare greatly" to enter the "arena".

Some lovelies have been leaving comments with book suggestions so check them out.  Also, below is a grainy poor quality picture of our first semester TED Talks.  It's never too late to fix our mistakes.

Sending you all are beautiful people.



  1. Love you too! I'm not sure if my other post sent so here's another one ahaha

  2. As for book suggestions, Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer is incredible, especially if you like mountain climbing/hiking/nature in general!


  3. I can't tell if my comments go in or not but I'll just comment twice to see if either goes in

  4. I'm actually excited for this new format of SAS, more content, less cat videos (not that I don't enjoy cat videos, nor that I haven't shared Stuff on the caliber of cat videos)
    Looking forward to it.

  5. Bad news... the writer, Michelle Lovric, who wrote that terrible book that I warned you all not to read, has another sequel to it out! It's called Something-something Mourning. Be re-warned!
