Thursday, December 4, 2014

Characteristics of the Modes

Compare your characteristics created in class today to the ones listed from The Riverside Reader.  And if you are so inclined and are motivated to do what an AP Lang student should do, you can use Readings for Writers and read the sections on each of the modes.  Some would argue that I should read and organize all the information and present it to you in let's say, Power Point form, but this is an AP class, college bound babies.

For Shark Tank SAS tomorrow, keep in mind that you are presenting an idea or a concept or an invention that has value and worth to society.  Please write down your ideas/thoughts on an index card that will be turned in tomorrow.  I will select presenters based on an arbitrary inkling.  You may also include a dollar amount if you feel you can put a price tag on your work.

And don't forget that your 2 page One Word assignment is due tomorrow as well.


P.S. - Cool contest for $2500...check it out.


  1. I just realized you put an "xoxo" on all your blog posts.

  2. Hi Ms.Beltran! I recently read this article and am really looking forward to reading this book. Anne Lamott seems like an incredibly insightful woman. You should definitely check it out!!

  3. Thank you!

    Quote I forgot to insert yesterday: "A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, and realize how blessed you are for what you have"
