Friday, February 7, 2014

Delicious Quotes

"There is no matter what children should learn first, any more than what leg you should put into your breeches first.  Sir, you may stand disputing which is best to put in first, but in the meantime your backside is bare.  Sir, while you stand considering which of two things you should teach your child first, another boy has learn't 'em both."
~ Samuel Johnson (found in E.D. Hirsch's Cultural Literacy)

"Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul."
~Charlie Chaplin (compliments of Bryn)

I will read and score your essays this weekend so be ready Monday for feedback.  I'm currently reading Hirsch's book mentioned above and he has a list of what literate America should know.  Here's a snippet so you can see...

alter ego
Amazon River
a capella
buyer's market
bury the hatchet
Skinner, B.F.
Whig Party
Brigham Young


1 comment:

  1. I'm watching Sherlock... Absolutely amazing. I'm addicted. Best recommendation ever! Thank you!
