Tuesday, February 4, 2014

102 Baby

Aug Pie has a fever.

It's pretty high.

I have to stay home with her. I am so sorry. Having a sub is no substitute, I know.

Posternack will have the multiple choice answers so y'all can check your answers. I trust you won't leave class with them. After checking your tests, respond to the following prompt. It's in bold below. You can keep it and have it ready in class on Thursday. If you finish that early, read your independent books and make a get well card for my two year old.

TEDx Marin speaker, Paul Piff, claims in his 2013 presentation that money makes you mean. Based on your viewing of this TEDx talk defend, challenge or qualify his position.  Support your position with credible evidence. 


1 comment:

  1. Aw pooey. I guess your real children come first. Feel better August!
