Thursday, October 10, 2013


So, tomorrow we will recast some sentences with last week's timed write. Come prepared to think...over the weekend, your L.O. will be to write a précis on an article I'll announce in class. See y'all tomorrow. Xoxo

And to my seniors who still read the blog (my lunch bunch, my original tot, my wizard rocker, my guitar teacher, burrito buddy, juice box sipper, etc.), here's my Personal Statement:

I'm a reformed hugger. What I mean by that is this: I didn't use to like, appreciate or even want hugs. I was strong, protected by armor, and kept my peeps at arm's length. Literally. Then last year happened - a randomly generated schedule that placed some of your paths in my orbit.  A couple of you appeared at lunch within the first week.  You sat on the other side of the room, I sat behind my desk.  Then some more of you appeared, like the weird dots before your eyes when you get up too fast.  You two crossed the room at the end of 4th period and parked yourselves a smidge closer to me.

And before I knew it, you were always there.

And I liked it.

Now I love it, and my heart quivers at the thought of you not being there next year. How did this happen?  How did you inch into my heart and make lunch THE best time of the day?  Why do I naturally cut my burritos in half and wait for the "Beltraaaaaaaan" at the door?  Why do I love the non Poli Sci days and the times when Calc class is just cancelled?  Well, here it is.  Because I love you.

A love that isn't capitalized or bolded.  Just one that's covering me in stretchmarks.

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