Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Love this Girl

Someone awesome emailed me the other day and sent along the message I'm posting below.  Love, love, love those of you who look out for one another.  We're all in this (life, I mean) together.  Hope August is treating you well...my little one thinks the world is celebrating her.  :)


"I was going to suggest that the next time you put up a post you tell any students reading to go check out the brag sheet. I thought I was done but turns out the counselors have decided to update it- making new questions, deleting old ones. I'm working on fixing it now but, honestly, if I would have noticed the change later in the year after having thought I was done I would have been furious and super stressed. I just don't want any other classmates to have to go through that heart attack in the fall."


  1. Thank you mysterious person and Ms Beltran ❤️

  2. Thanks for the heads up! This will save me lots of heart ache and frustration during the school year... I'll try to pass it on to as many people as I can!

  3. I sincerely thank you, mysterious person, and thank you, Ms. Beltran, for sharing this little tidbit of information - looking at the new brag sheet and the now-misplaced answers that I have was definitely a bothersome experience that I would not want to experience sometime in November or December.
