Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Writing Assignment

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Have a final draft (written neatly, in blue or black pen) of your rhetorical precis for David Brooks' NYT article Fly the Partisan Skies.  (The link to the article is on Monday's blog post.)

Make sure you also research David Brooks so you know who he is - just google him and feed your brain.

Tomorrow in class you will be sharing your precis aloud in a small group for evaluation so come to class prepared.  We will share out the best ones and you'll also read mine as an example.  Just practice, so no stress unless you like stress in which case, stress away!

Friday is SAS Round 4 so bring items you are excited about, authentically interested in.


1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Elder Price, and I would like to share with you this most amazing book!
