Monday, October 7, 2019

All Is Well But the Bliggity Blog Is No Longer

Hi Anyone Who Still Reads This,

The Clue Bus is a thing of the past...for now.  I've entered the land of Google Classroom so that's where I post now.

If any former students want to stay in touch, I will still stop by the blogspot every now and then.  Otherwise, you probably have my email or my number.

Love and Light Always,


  1. Ahhh, still have the clue bus on my front bookmarks on my phone! Breaks my heart to see no comments on here:(

    Hope all is well Ms. Beltran!!

  2. The times are a changin' and I am glad to see that you have a new platform that is working well for you and your class, however the blog was one way that I was able to live vicariously through your juniors and I am sad to see it go. I had noticed that you stopped posting on the blog a while ago, but I still check it regularly. Partially out of pure habit, and partially hoping that it would suffice my feelings of nostalgia. I guess it is as good a time as any to let go of the blog as you had to let go of our beloved Room 853. I hope to still be able to keep in touch with you succeeding graduation.
