Monday, August 26, 2019

Day One, Year 22 in the Books

Hello, Lovelies and Hello Baby Bungalow 6,

Thank you for today. I find it fitting that as I was welcoming new Lovelies to B6, Beloved Room 853 was being torn down. May the new year bring with it all the magic and music, love and light that our old space had.

It was a pleasure meeting all the new faces, and I’m curious to see who opens their hands.

Here’s to a great day.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: Nothing official yet...just a little from our old playlist. New one will be called “Baby Bungalow 6” on Spotify.


  1. You guys have no idea what kind of year you're about to have with Beltran. Don't take anything for granted because believe me... you will miss it.
    Be the first to dance for real in your class and enjoy the bungalow!
    Ryan Lista

  2. Hope the Juniors had a great time!! - Nyoka Martinezcuello
