Friday, May 3, 2019

Dear Room 853

Dear Room 853,

Some people will likely think I'm crazy for writing this blog post to you, but today, you and I said goodbye to SAS presentations and soon we will say goodbye to the Lovelies and each other.

I believe in intention and though mine is oftentimes off the mark (too much ego, y'all, too much ego), I can vividly recall moving into this space when I was a new mother.  I showed up with a diaper bag and lots of stress and you wrapped me in your arms and gave me a safe space where I could still be me - separate from the sacrifice of being a mama.

Thank you for giving rise to some great presentations over the past decade and more recently, the last several months.  We've had fun.

Shout out to Jenna for being the last SAS presenter.  You did good.

Love and Light to us all,


  1. Not crazy at all. I love this and feel incredibly grateful that the class of 2020 got to experience Room 853. It'll be missed.

  2. SAS will be missed❤️I always enjoyed Fridays a little extra

  3. Love this. So fortunate that we were able to experience room 853 and all its glory:)
